Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today, Monday, 27 August 2012.

8 weeks old

Life is green. I am thankful to Allah for giving me the opportunity to be a good wife and InsyaAllah a good mother.

Can’t wait to see the new us. My tummy is currently big but I am very sure that the baby is only 10% of the size of my tummy. The rest is purely mine due to the fats!

The urge to eat is extremely high now. I tend to feel hungry in every 1 hour. I had cornflakes at 6 am, guava from 6.45 a.m to 10.30 a.m and the ultimate food intake for this morning was 6” long chicken and cheese sandwich from subway.

Now at 12 pm, I am longing for food again. Thinking of having nasi campur for lunch. Tapau maybe. I keep on thinking about it since morning.. I am hungry. Again!

Next check up, 8 September 2012.

Just finish lunch. Since my fav nasi campur stall tak bukak today, dgn hampa pergi la stall vegetarian. Lauk-pauk sgt boring.. taufu n vege. nothing else. Asked for nasi separuh then i started to fill in my plate with tempe,kentang and bayam. Cost me RM5.50. mahal pulak rasanya. sudah jer bayar.. ternampak ada satu lagi kedai nasi campur behind me.. haiseh...

Makan la daku seorang diri.. sampai licin pulak tu. dah licin, rasa nak makan buah pulak. gi kebelakang n all of the sudden jumpe shalu n ieda. they just finish their lunch. Borak2 jap then, shalu ajak gi kedai. Apa lagi... ikut la.. terjebak beli roti gardenia 2 peket. dlm hati time amik tu.. just in case lapar lagi pulak kejap lagi.. tak pon.. simpan je buat stock. tp still mampu ketawa kecil.. yeke simpan... sure habis gak ni hari ni.. eheheh. bayar and it cost me RM1.40.

baru 3 langkah keluar dr kedai runcit, shalu pulak kata nak pergi bakery. adeh.. daku pon apa lagi.. JOM saje. terbeli pulak vege sandwich. Sambil amik tu dlm otak dok pikir.. takpe.. tak makan ni leh bagi b makan dlm kete nanti.. cost me RM3.30. fuhh..

dah on the way balik office call encik hubby. Shalu gi maxis bayar bill. encik hubby hari ni makan buah je. diet katanya. ke semangat keje? ntah la. tp yang pasti.. diriku.. mcm ala2 je tahap kenyang nyer.. kalau ikut time normal ni.. dah tahap nak muntah balik rasanya. tp kini.. give me more bebeh! So total perbelanjaan setengah hari for today ialah:

6" long chicken n cheese : RM6.90
Nasik vegetarian : RM5.50
Roti Gardenia : RM1.40
Sandwich vege : RM3.30
Total : RM17.10
ouh.. baru 17.10. kira ok lagi la tuh.. :)

hurm.. apa nak masak malam ni yer..

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