Friday, July 30, 2010

baking session with the hobbits at 2 o'clock in the morning = pricelss

jam dah pukul 2 pagi. lepas penat bermain plastesin bersama aiman,aqis and qilah.. they decided to bake a cake. today birthday aiman and 5th August birthday aqis. cant sleep they say. aku pon follow je la. memandangkan mata aku ni pon tak semena-mena segar bugar. layan.. best gak kan. for the first time in my life.. bake their birthday cake.

jam kini pukul 2.45 am. tgh tunggu the cake masak. the hobbits? terus tidur. they had fun i supposed. time ni la bole main tepung.. pukul telur.. basuh periuk.. sapu marjerin..dan yang paling penting tanpa segan silu sepahkan dapur... makcik takde perasaan la katakan. aku biarkan je. today is their day. :)

memandangkan diriku hanya bisa memasak kek chocolate saja buat masa ini, jadi ape lagi.. birthday cake depa pon kek chocolate la. tp this time.. cuba buat sedikit kelainan. tak tau la jadi ke tak. masukkan serbuk biskut yg dah hancur in the adunan. hopefully jadi la. hoho.

kini sedang mencari resipi membuat donut pula. saya seronok

Monday, July 19, 2010

saya jadi pemarah pagi tadi dan perajin di malam hari

saya marah warga TM dgn jayanya pagi tadi. tak suka. tangan sampai sejuk tahan tahap annoying yg melampau. sian pulak tp kalo x nganmuk tadi xde la tepon kat umah ni ha. aku dah jadi king kong jadian baru la nak pasang. hilang keayuan diriku.

malam pulak kerajinan melampau. masak kek beb. selepas 26 tahun akhirnya saya berjaya memasak sebuah kek. yipppiiieee...

Ramuan kek itu adalah seperti berikut:-

1 cawan koko van hounten <-- mcm ni ke ejaan?
1 cawan gula
1 cawan minyak masak
1/2 cawan susu pekat
1/2 cawan susu cair

Campurkan semua dan panaskan diatas api kecil. selepas sejuk masukkan:-
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri (Blue key)
2 biji telur yg dipukul terlebih dahulu

kukus selama 1 jam.. dan jeng jeng.. jadilah kek chocolate yg sedap lagi menggemukkan.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

my weirdest conversation ever

have u ever try to speak with those that u have not been talking to for so long and akhirnya that u don't know what to say and starting asking questions for mukadimmah. i did.. i asked a question and i have no more question to ask. being a talkative person.. it may be considered as a brain cramped situation. not good. not good.

erk~ sgt odd. i just want to be nice while im bored. mission fail. no more sesi tegur menegur untuk beliau. umpphh..

Friday, July 16, 2010

untuk kamu and yes saya rindu

im blushed. auwww

knowing something sweet that u've done for me from someone else is simply heart pumping. im blooming with the sweetest smile. new way of looking at you. Cant wait for Monday. i feel loved today. lalalalala...

owh.. need to read text book. what? malas~

Thursday, July 15, 2010

meeting old friend and doing the thing that we used to do. sudden plan!

tersenyum sendiri bila teringat perangai dikala sekolah. one of it ialah xtvt menaiki bas dan berhenti ntah kemana. we will naik any bas then berhenti at last bus stop. one day naik this one bus.. all of the sudden this bus last stop was somewhere in batu 12. near uia. which is about 11 years ago. hutan jek.. scary x ingat. my mission partner PIAN!

last saturday met her again after so long. we meet at wangsa walk. had an hour of karaoke session. and all of the sudden.. in genting we were. love it~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

wahai incik hati berbahagialah dikau

today, incik perut seakan tidak gembira. feelin' under da wheather. been working all day. went back. walked thru the rain. wut a life. every day is a blessing. syukur2.
cant sleep though. terpikir tentang sebuah kotak putih kecil di tepi sana. sunyi nya beliau disitu. berlari lah wahai angin.. berlepas lah wahai hati yang gundah.. berpecah lah wahai lemak. ahahaha.. nite

Friday, July 9, 2010

why we need to be overpaid and not overweight


saya boikot restoran octopus wangsa walk

hang out with the girls tadi. Kak zira n Aini. Shocking news. kak zira pregnant. perghh.. tahniah. tp terkezut gak. she's pregnant at the age of 40. Alhamdulillah syukur. rezki2. not to mention the level of kesuburan. perghhh.. salute!

we meet at wangsa walk and stop at octopus restaurant. lousy food with golden price. ceh. hampa sgt hampa.

Semasa duduk2.. terserempak plk dgn ex staff celcom. face was very familliar.skrg ni selalu gak serempak terserempak nih. hari tu kat klcc terserempak dgn fadh. budak uitm SP yg amik course accounting. x kenal pon sgt but we automatically looked at each other and open our mouth wide. <-- tanda kenal la tuh. hehe. asal ingat muka cukup la.

owh ya.. back to the restaurant. mmg tak best. lebih kurang quality si ayam penyet gak. LOUSY!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

mari memasak bersama saya. ehem~

akibat saya rajin. selepas pulang dr kerja saya telah memasak.

  1. 1 kilo udang segar
  2. 1 sudu minyak masak
  3. 10 ulas bawang putih
  4. 1 bawang besar dipotong 4
  5. 4 sudu besar sos cili
  6. 2 sudu besar sos tomato
  7. 1 sudu besar sos tiram
  8. setengah sudu besar kunyit serbuk
  9. sedikit asam jawa
  10. cili padi
  11. kacang panjang
  12. kicap manis
  13. garam
  14. 3 biji telur

Cara memasak
  1.  panaskan minyak masak
  2. masukkan bawang putih
  3. setelah wangi masukkan bawang besar
  4. masukkan sos cili, sos tomato, sos tiram
  5. masukkan air asam jawa
  6. masukkan kunyit
  7. masukkan kicap manis
  8. masukkan udang
  9. masukkan cii padi
  10. masukkan kacang panjang
  11. masukkan garam secukup rasa
  12. masukkan telur
  13. hidangkan
yeay~ berjaya. selamat mencuba!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

kalo la rambut saya tidak degil

extremely stress currently. panas betul. rimas. my rambut dah start to mencabar my nerves. tarik nafas.. hembus.. tarik... hembus... sgt tak selesa

perasaan sebegini la yang buat mcm nak amik gunting zaappp je ikut suke. tp kang menyesal pulak. mcm psycho pon ade. the best part.. tak leh tido. tadi dah tertido for setengah jam. terbangun dan sure sampai pagi x tido nih. ape la punyer tabiat.

Thirsty.. kepala berat mcm ade lalang tumbuh segar di atas sana. tolong!!!! owh yer.. by the way.. rindu kamu.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

here i am outside my cocoon

After living in it yesterday.
wahhh.. i see world today. pathetic saturday i must say. Yesterday was horrible.
Today is a different day. sunny sunday on me.
Doing consumer behavior assignment with the girls at wangsa walk. nice feeling. going to shop for shoes. yehhaaa.. i love shoes..
adeh.. sakit kaki ku.. shopping sakan today. had fun. so much fun. berjaya beli spec baru. 2 kasut baru. 1 phone charger and yang paling penting siapkan assignment. hapieeeenyerrrr saya.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

this is exactly what i feel now. is it? naaaa...

even the sky is falling down?

i will stay here waiting. :)

yes, i am a girl who is easily bored. but will try my best not to stick to it this time. shoot.. this is hard. sometimes, i dont even know wut i want. confusion struck me bad.

its still new by the way. so maybe i just need to chill.

today is a bosan day. OMG.. need to find a hobby fast! i dont think i can survive another last minutes class cancellation. with those social programmes that i've rejected. arghhhh.. there's a conflict of life schedule between me and my friends. when im busy they're free.. when im free.. they're busy like mad. and pls people stay in the country. or at least in the same state.

thinking about friends in Kedah. Husna and put especially. miss them a lot. i wish i could sip a cup of coffee with them right now. it has been long. rindu the girl talk. ahhhh..

haven't start doing my literature review. herghhh... this is the thing that will stop me from sleeping tonight.

sometimes, i do wish that im working at a diff state. at least i will have a hometown to think of. currently listening to my songs compilation. feel one kind. I wish im back in 2005.

There are lots of things that i wish i could change. changing my view for example. the way i look at things and how i would react in some occasions. missed several opportunities due to my ignorance. yeah.. time heals. and im healing.

God knows best.jadi.. bergembiralah.

Goodbye past and welcome future. Sometime we just need to let the first fish that we caught free in order to get a bigger fish.

So dear fish.. im letting you go now.

Friday, July 2, 2010

early saturday morning letter

recieved a letter from LHDN this morning. Finally.. they are going to pay me back. nice~

terpikir pulak betapa bertuah nya diri. sangat bersyukur dgn kurniaan Allah yang tak terhingga. Alhamdulillah. Allah tidak pernah melupakan hambaNya walopon hambaNya sering melupakanNya. Syukur diberi peluang utk bernafas lagi hari ini. diberikan keluarga yang masih berada disisi. rezki yang melimpah ruah. kesihatan yang baik. anggota yang cukup sifat dan hati yang lembut.

berdoa supaya selalu mengingatiNya dan tidak berada didalam golongan yg sesat. Semoga nafasku, anggotaku, dan perbuatanku semuanya kerana Allah. I love you Allah. Amin.

A short day of mine

  1. morning was full of working hormones. love to work today
  2. mobi is fantastically ok. thanks to zigan.
  3. bumped onto an old fren while queing for char kuey teow. Safwan, my ex-classmate from kedah. nice~
  4. being a garang tutor tonight. sian balqis. but for her own good.
  5. keep thinking bout him. misteri jejaka si tiang lampu..owh.. tak mungkin.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

above average? nice~

sedikit terkejut.. tp at the same time expected. love the feeling. hope mr B will be above average as well. ade ke??
Owh ya, today mobi buat hal lagi and currently im in a relationship. life is great. :) not too excited on the relationship and not excited about mobi either. he's currently where he shud be. Beliau di tangan incik Zigan. thanks Zigan. u r great!