Wednesday, June 23, 2010

my first public transport to work since 1 year ago

my sis was late this morning. Called and found out that she's still at her home in Segambut. Time was 7:29 a.m. Asked ayong to send me to train station and walla... I'm going to work by train. from melati to dang wangi cost me RM2.10. not bad. reasonable. managed to get in the train at 7:54 a.m. packed but acceptable.

lots of people waiting for the train at the next station. amazingly people just squeeze in. packer than sardines.. but cool experience. i noticed most of the people wore their watch at their left hand. so my morning activities was starring at watches. the weird feeling was when i don't know where to look at. i don't want to look at other ppl directly at their face. but as most of us are about the same height, i need to. 2nd option activated, looked at the advertisements..

felt weird when I'm being looked at pulak. uneasy feeling. feel like there's something on my face ke ape ke. haishh.. saw kak zu when i nearly reach dang wangi. haaa.. wut a day. best gak jalan with her. leh borak2.


  1. next time buat2 pejam mate(sleepy) keh keh keh

  2. haha!~ had same experienced b4..wut i did was looked at other ppl's leg..then they start hide their leg inside or betul2 selipar..hahaha!~

  3. kalo pejam mata.. rimas pulak. dok pikir ok ke tak maskara nih.
    and yes mel.. i agree. lepas ni nak stare at their kaki pulak.
