Saturday, January 1, 2011

im loving it!

im currently addicted to sewing. cant stop sewing.. OMG. made a new summer dress using threadbanger technique. what is threadbanger? owh.. it's actually a method used to make a dress interesting. it's easy to do though. just need to use elastic thread and sew a straight line on ur dress. do several lines and tadaaaa.. they u have it. a cute dress.

i want to sew again at 12:40 a.m yesterday. the urge of making a new dress simply flowing in me. so i grabbed the material, started measuring and cutting the material into the shape that i want. 2 and half hours later.. jadi la ini baju. love it! plan to give it to angah. :) so two baju made for angah so far.

total cost : less than RM30 for both baju.. nice~

Signing off,

Ragina in supports of Do it yourself outfits. yeay~

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