Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i'm making breakfast!

what a good day. woke up with smile and tonnes of happiness fills my heart.

5.30 am : shower
6.05 am : solat
6.10 am : making bread toast with cheese
6.20 am : kejutkan nazhan and aiman for solat (payah benar depa nak bgn today. apa lagi.. bergema la rumah)
6.50 am : my first kiss to aiman before he goes to school.
7.00 am : writting this

later will go for my first time fishing session with my beloved cousin, incik dos. wakdol most probably cant make it. tried to call ina but no answer. will i go alone? uhh.. i wish im not. the more the merrier.

owh.. this weekend i need to sit for my research method and ethics papers. owh. so this fishing thingy is just to represent the rebellious side of me. :p

looking for a great time ahead.

till now, signing off.

in support of

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