Thursday, January 6, 2011

she is more than happy to attend school today. love~

Batrisya is extremely happy going to school today. sangat comel. Alhamdulillah. Syukur to Allah. terima kasih Allah kerana hidup yang bahagia ini.

kehidupan kini alhamdulillah sangat tenang. tersenyum has been my routine. :)

can you say no to a smile of a kid? i cant!

on the other hand, another two nieces of mine, Aqilah and Balqis didnt attend school today. reason : demam.

so they have their own way to make themselves occupied. Their way : Talking to cats-Bobo and Black.

Balqis : Jangan risau yer Bo, black, aqis akan sayang Bo dgn Black sampai bila-bila.

Aqilah : Yela.. sampai bila-bila

Bobo and Black : meowwww...

Signing off,

Raginatheweirdbug in supports of listen to kids

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